Another search for the Fountain of Youth brings yet another modality that people are having performed in Doctors offices and Spas around the world. That modality is a “Peel” and a peel is a treatment that uses a chemical solution that causes dead skin to slough off the face. The new regenerated skin is usually more smooth and less wrinkled. This is a treatment that should ALWAYS, in my opinion be done by an Esthetician or Dermatologist that has been trained in skin histology and trained in the chemical make-up of the solution to be used on the skin. You should not just call up a spa and tell them what kind of peel you want. Only after an analysis of your skin will a trained Esthetician be able to recommend which peel is right for your skin type!!
There are several different types of Chemical Peels.
- Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peel (AHAs) – Are acids, such as glycolic acid, that is a natural constituent of sugar and lactic acid which is found in sour milk and tomato juice. This is the mildest chemical peel that I do here at Mint Spa and it targets fine wrinkles, areas of dryness and uneven pigmentation. There is no down time with this peel and light flaking of the dead skin cells may occur. You may experience light stinging as the peel is sitting on the skin, but it is short lived. After the dead skin has completely shed off your skin will look hydrated and alive. I love this peel. A series of 3-6 peels brings the best results.
- Beta Hydroxy Acid Peel (BHAs) – Salicylic Acid is a BHA and is found in aspirin. So if you are allergic to aspirin, you should not have a Beta Hydroxy Peel. This peel has the ability to get deeper into the pore than AHAs and work well on clients that are having trouble with acne. AHAs work on the surface of the skin and BHAs have the ability to get deeper into the pore.
- Jessner’s Peel – Is a combination of 14% Salicylic acid, 14% Lactic Acid and 14% resorcinol in an ethanol base. At Mint Spa we do a Enhanced Jessner’s Peel that combines the peel with nutritional serums to enhance and protect the skin.
- Trichloroacetic Acid Peel (TCA) This peel is used as an intermediate to a deeper peel. This peel is used for smoothing out fine surface wrinkles, removing superficial blemishes and correcting skin pigment problems.
PCA SKIN (Physician’s Choice of Arizona) has been our choice for our Peel line because of its outstanding reputation in the industry! They require their Estheticians to be PCA Skin Certified with exceptional training on a regular basis.